Monday 25 February 2019

Amri Hospitals Gearing up to Battle Unseasonal Swine-Flu

Swine flu or the H1N1 virus in Kolkata is unusual at this time of the year. However, sporadic cases often happen across various states. The city has already recorded a number of H1N1 cases this year, since the first patient died from the virus in the last week of January
This year, five deaths have already been reported across Kolkata. Although the situation is not too grim, more than 25 patients have been admitted in different hospitals for H1N1. According to the medics at AMRI Hospitals, the reported cases are more than the usual around this time.
The virus cannot be taken lightly, as it can prove to be fatal. A number of hospitals in the city have reported a sudden increase in swine flu cases over the past month. Many doctors and paramedical stuff working in intensive care units are also getting affected by the virus, due to their frequent exposure to patients suffering from swine flu. As per the medical practitioners at AMRI, the hospital is equipped with H1N1 vaccine to fight against the disease.
“Without effective vaccines, it is very difficult to check an outbreak. At AMRI, medics have already geared up to treat patients in the best possible way,” said a health practitioner at AMRI, which is one of the best hospitals in Kolkata.
The condition of a patient deteriorates very quickly after catching the H1N1 virus and precautions like wearing a mask and keeping a distance of 5-6 feet are some of the precautions on should follow to prevent fro getting affected. A patient should be isolated after being diagnosed with H1N1.
For general public, doctors at AMRI have suggested to wash their hands more often, avoid touching nose, eyes and mouth to prevent the virus.
The deadly air-borne infection mostly spreads at crowded places like schools, colleges, public transport, shopping malls, workplace, etc. Medics at AMRI suggest drinking plenty of liquids and ensuring adequate amount of sleep to help the immune system fight against the infection.

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