Monday 1 October 2018

Common causes of Stomach aches and effective home remedies to prevent them

Stomach ache is a common symptom of various ailments. Almost everyone has experienced a stomach ache at some point of time in their life. It can indicate a minor health issue or turn out to be a major concern too, warn doctors at AMRI Hospital, one of the best hospitals at Mukundapur. The hospital offers the best Gastroenterology hospital in Kolkata.
What causes a stomach ache?
Be it a mild abdominal pain, sharp pain, or cramps, stomach ache is caused due to various factors, which include:
Gastritis: Also known as inflammation of the stomach lining, Gastritis is mainly caused by irritation due to alcohol abuse, nausea, anxiety or the use of certain medications like aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs. It is characterized by pain in the upper part of the stomach and a feeling of fullness in it.
Acid reflux: Also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, acid reflux is a long-term and one of the most common digestive issues. It is caused when the stomach acid gets backed up into your oesophagus. A feeling of burning pain in the middle of your chest or upper part of your abdomen, tooth erosion, nausea are some of its most common symptoms.
Lactose intolerance: A health condition characterized by the decreased ability to digest lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. People intolerant to lactose are not able to digest lactose, which results in stomach ache and other digestive issues.
Stress: Stomach aches are also caused due to stress and anxiety in a number of cases.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
IBS mainly causes cramping, pain in the abdomen, bloating, gas, diarrhoea and constipation. Though, the symptoms vary from person to person. It mainly affects your large intestine (colon), and does not affect other parts of the body. IBS is mainly caused due to digestive issues and increased sensitivity of the gut.
Stomach ulcer
Stomach ulcer (also known as peptic ulcer) results in a burning stomach ache. It is mainly caused when the protective mucus lining your stomach becomes ineffective. Though, Stomach ulcers are comparatively easy to cure, but they can lead to severe issues if left untreated.
A common reason for stomach aches, Diverticulitis is mainly caused due to lack of fibre in your diet, say nutritionists at AMRI Hospitals. It results in abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, cramps, fever, bloating and rectal bleeding (in a few cases). Nutritionists at AMRI Hospital recommend people suffering from Diverticulitis to avoid eating seeds, nuts, corn. They also suggest including anti-spasmodic drugs in the diet for those suffering from the condition.
Severe stomach ache is also caused when stones in your gallbladder block the duct. These stones are primarily made of cholesterol and bile salts. Nausea, dark urine, clay-coloured stools, indigestion, and diarrhoea are some of the most common symptoms of gallstones. It becomes imperative to ensure their timely treatment as gallstones can also lead to severe health issues such as jaundice, cholangitis, gangrene of the gallbladder, sepsis, pancreatitis, fistula, and ileus.
How can you treat your stomach pain using home remedies home remedies?
Ginger is rich in a number of antioxidants. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in eliminating the issues related to digestion, which make it effective in relieving stomach pain. Ginger also keeps a check on the production of free radicals, increases digestive juices and neutralizes stomach acids.
Lemon tea
Drinking lemon tea helps in alleviating stomach ache as the acid in lemon juice stimulates your stomach to produce more acid. This boosts your digestive system. You can also add a bit of honey and crushed mint leaves for taste and flavour.
Fennel seeds have a number of carminative, diuretic, pain-reducing and antimicrobial properties. They are highly effective in keeping a check on indigestion symptoms like gas and bloating. This is one of the major reasons why fennel is used in a number of commercial teas that relieve stomach issues.
A commonly used condiment, also known as hing, Asafoetida is one of the most effective remedies for stomach aches. Health experts at AMRI Hospitals state that it can also calm an upset stomach by relaxing its muscles and killing all the bacteria or viruses, which cause stomach disorders. It is a common ingredient used in cooking and can be found easily at any Indian grocery store.

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