Wednesday 15 May 2019

An Active Brain makes a stronger person. Here are 10 Most Effective Ways to enhance your mind functioning

Stimulate your mind

Cognitive stimulation helps in regeneration of brain cells, further developing neurological “plasticity” and also preventing cell loss. Perform activities such as reading, painting, or playing instruments, that require both physical and mental work to help stimulate your mind.


Whether it is the hectic everyday life or simpe lethargy that stops you from exercising, you are indirectly affecting your mental strength as well. Muscle movements can help your mind and being inactive can hamper the efficiency, plasticity, and adaptive potential of your brain. 

Eat healthy

Having a healthy diet and keeping your body adequately nourished will lead to a stronger and better mind. Include fruits, fish, nuts, unsaturated oils, and proteins from various plant sources, helping you develop mental cognition, and reduce the risk of conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc, suggest diet experts at AMRI Hospitals, the best neurology hospital in Kolkata.

Keep your cholesterol under control

Research shows that high cholesterol (LDL) can increase the risk of dementia. Maintaining cholesterol levels through exercise, diet or even medications can enhance your mental activity.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco

Alcohol and tobacco are related to accelerating physical and mental stress. Therefore, such substances should be avoided.

Avoid stress and rumination

For people suffering from anxiety, depression or any other form of mental trauma, therapies such as CBT can help in supporting their mental, social and psychological well-being.

Ensure adequate  amount of sleep

Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours a day helps your brain work quicker and more accurately. Also note that sleeping in excess is as bad as not having adequate sleep. Sleeping is essential for your brain as it also sieves out harmful toxins.


The most effective way to rejuvenate your brain and relax your overall body is by meditating regularly. Meditation also reduces stress levels, makes you think more clearly and helps strengthen your brain’s ability to focus.

Laugh more often

Laughter therapy is said to be the best way to keep your brain function effective. The release of endorphins boosts the overall immune system, and energy level, besides helping to reduce stress and trigger positive effects on your body.

Keep learning new things

Keep learning new things as it helps keep specific areas of your brain working, making it more flexible.
These are some of the best ways to care for your mental health and lead a healthier, positive life. Follow these tips to help stimulate effective brain functioning, keeping yourself more active and focused.

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