Thursday 3 January 2019

4 Habits That May Trigger Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer is the fourth most commonly occurring cancers in the world. 1 million cases were reported in the year 2018. It begins in cells in the inner layer of the stomach and slowly invades the stomach wall. Some of the symptoms of stomach cancer include:
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Low appetite
  • Bloating after meals
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Blood in the stool

    Types of Stomach Cancer

    Stomach cancer is categorized on the basis of the type of tissue where they originate from. The most common stomach cancer is adenocarcinoma, accounting for 90% to 95% of all stomach cancers, starts in the glandular tissue of the stomach. Among other forms of stomach cancer include lymphomas (originate in the lymphatic system) and sarcomas (involve the connective tissue such as muscle, fat, or blood vessels).

    Habits that Trigger Stomach Cancer

    Some of your daily habits can also contribute to the progression of stomach cancer. Here are 5 habits that can trigger stomach cancer:

    Irregular Diet

    People who eat at regular intervals are less likely to get this type of cancer than those who don’t. The stomach works better when we follow a fixed diet. Following a fixed diet helps the stomach to digest the food properly and does not damage the stomach. It is vital to stick to a fixed eating regimen for a healthy stomach.
    If you cannot stick to a strict eating pattern, then you can snack in between as it will not starve the stomach yet keep it healthy.

    Hot Food

    Hot food can be dangerous for your stomach because the digestive tract’s mucous membrane is not designed to handle food which is 50 to 60 degrees in temperature. This will cause a stomach burn and lead to pathological changes, thereby leading to stomach cancer. It is better to avoid consuming hot food as it only leads to a health hazard.

    Acidic Fruits

    When one gets hunger pangs that is when gastric acid reaches a high point and attacks the stomach. Eating acidic fruits such as lemon juice, blueberries, etc. on an empty stomach will definitely precipitate the problem. This can lead to a big lump in the stomach, thereby increasing the air pressure in the stomach and other symptoms start to show as well.
    SOURCE – OnlyMyHealth

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