Monday 25 March 2019

Healthy Tips to Save Your Kidneys from Diabetes

If you are suffering from diabetes you should know that you need to take special care of your kidneys. High blood sugar levels can affect every organ of your body and your kidneys have to face the maximum wrath. As they are the organs responsible for removing toxins from the body, when there is high sugar in the blood, the sugar erodes the capillaries of the kidneys. Over a period of time the capillaries become defunct and the kidneys dysfunctional. This is why people who suffer from diabetes are at an increased risk of suffering from kidney disease.
Here are some tips to prevent kidney disease in diabetics:-
1. Avoid foods that are high in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus as they put a load on your overworked kidneys.
2. Protein-rich foods such as meat and dairy products break down into wastes that healthy kidneys remove from the blood. When one takes too much protein, i.e., far more than what the body needs, one may put an extra burden on the kidneys and cause kidney function to decline faster. If you are also a diabetic, make sure that you keep a tab on your protein intake.
3. Those with high blood pressure should limit their daily sodium intake to no more than 1,500 mg. choosing sodium-free or low-sodium food products will help. Alternative seasonings such as lemon juice, salt-free seasoning mixes and hot pepper sauce can help people reduce their salt intake.
4. Frequent monitoring of serum, potassium levels is essential. Too low or too high potassium levels can be a problem. Potassium keeps the heart beating regularly and the muscles working properly. When kidneys are damaged, potassium builds up in the blood and may cause serious heart problems.
5. People with advanced chronic kidney disease may need to limit their fluid (water) intake because damaged kidneys can’t remove the extra fluid. The fluid can thus build up in the body and strain the heart. Hence the amount of fluid permitted by your doctor must be adhered to prevent diabetic kidney disease, says experts of AMRI Hospitals, the Best Hospital in Eastern India.
There are other lifestyle changes that can help to keep the kidneys healthy:
1. Physical activity: As it helps to use the insulin in our body and keep blood sugar levels in check
2. Maintaining an ideal body weight: Weight reduction has a positive impact on blood glucose levels which helps the kidneys and other organs to stay healthy.
3. Quitting smoking and using tobacco in any form: Cutting down on these vices can prevent all complications of diabetes. Smoking increases the risk for many associated illnesses, and can also increase the risk for kidney failure.

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