Friday 29 March 2019

Osteoporosis: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options

Osteoporosis is a medical condition caused due to thinning of bones and decrease in their density, explain orthopaedics at AMRI Hospitals.

The health of your bones plays a major role in your everyday life. From providing structure to your body, protecting your organs, anchoring muscles and storing calcium, bones have a lot of important functions in the human body.  However, with aging, your bone health starts to diminish. Your bone density is the highest when a person is in his 20s. It is after the age of around 35 years, that your bones starts to become weaker.
“Osteoporosis is a medical condition caused due to thinning of bones and decrease in their density. It is common in both men and women, but more likely to affect women after menopause,” explain orthopaedics at AMRI Hospitals, the best hospital in Kolkata.
With the bones becoming brittle and fragile due to Osteoporosis, you are at a higher risk of a fracture (especially in the spine, hip, and wrists) even with a minor injury. The medical condition mainly has an impact on the structure and strength of your bones. “The risk of Osteoporosis increases due to the factors like smoking and poor diet,” warn orthopaedics at AMRI Hospitals, Bhubaneshwar.
Symptoms of Osteoporosis
Though, Osteoporosis shows no clear symptoms, the weakening of your spine can lead to a stoop, along with bone pain.
Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
A number of procedures like x-rays, body CT, spine CT or a bone density (DEXA) scan are used to diagnose your condition and assess your risk for Osteoporosis at AMRI Hospitals, Best Orthopedic Hospital in Kolkata
DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray) is mainly used for the diagnosis of Osteoporosis. A painless and relatively quick procedure, the DEXA test is mainly carried out on the narrow neck of the upper leg bone (femur), just below the hip joint, as well as the lumbar vertebrae, which form the lower part of the spine.
Treatment of Osteoporosis
Treatment procedure for Osteoporosis includes the medications for preventing the loss of bone density, exercise, and diet changes, including extra calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. The most commonly prescribed medications for the treatment of Osteoporosis include Bisphosphonates.
The treatment process of Osteoporosis is effective in maintaining healthy bone density and bone mass. It also helps in preventing fractures, reducing pain and maximizing the person’s ability to carry out his everyday chores.

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