Tuesday 5 March 2019

Is It a Sprain or a Strain? Tips for Identification

If you’ve ever tried to define sprains and strains but can’t quite identify the difference between the two, you’re not alone. These two terms are often used interchangeably to describe overstretching or tearing of soft tissues in and around your joints. There is a key difference, and knowing what that is can help you differentiate between joint sprains and strains.
A joint sprain is the overstretching or tearing of ligaments. Ligaments are the bands of tissue that connect two bones together in a joint. The most common location for a sprain is the ankle joint.
A joint strain is the overstretching or tearing of muscles or tendons. Tendons are the dense fibrous cords of tissue that connect bones to muscles. The most common locations for a muscle strain are the hamstring muscle and the lower back.
The symptoms of a sprain and a strain are very similar. That’s because the injuries themselves are very similar. It’s no wonder the two conditions are frequently confused.
Common symptoms of sprainsCommon symptoms of strains
• bruising
• pain around the affected joint
• swelling
• limited flexibility
• difficulty using the joint’s full range of motion
• muscle spasm
• pain around the affected joint
• swelling
• limited flexibility
• difficulty using the joint’s full range of motion
The main difference is that with a sprain you may have bruising around the affected joint, whereas with a strain, you may have spasms in the affected muscle.
Our bodies work hard day after day, so an occasional strain or sprain isn’t uncommon. Certain situations make you more likely to injure your joints. These include:
  • athletic activities or exercise, including running or jogging
  • accidents, such as falling or slipping
  • lifting heavy objects
  • overexerting yourself
  • sitting or standing in an awkward position
  • prolonged repetitive motion
Most commonly affected joints include:
commonly affected joints
Risk factors
Anyone at any point can experience a sprain or strain, but certain risk factors increase your odds for overstretching a joint. These risk factors include:
  • Being out of shape. Lack of proper conditioning leaves your muscles and joints weak and unable to fully support your movements.
  • Using improper equipment. Equipment that is worn out or ill-fitting will increase your risk for a sprain or strain. It’s important you keep your shoes and any necessary gear maintained.
  • Not warming up. Warming up and cooling down after exercise or athletic activity helps you prevent injury. Warming up gently stretches the muscles and increases your range of motion. A cool down stretch helps strengthen your muscles for better joint support.
  • Being tired. When you’re tired, you don’t carry your body properly. Being tired means you’re less likely to practice good form. Schedule days off between exercise so your body can rest and heal.
  • Your environment.Wet, slippery, or icy surfaces are treacherous for walking. These aren’t risk factors you can control, but being aware of when they’re around will help you avoid an injury.
Doctors often diagnose a sprain or strain by excluding other causes for your symptoms. After a brief physical exam, your doctor may request an X-ray. An X-ray will rule out any breaks or fractures.
If the X-ray isn’t conclusive, your doctor might request another type of imaging test called an MRI. An MRI can give your doctor a very detailed view of the joint. An MRI might reveal very small or thin breaks that an X-ray can’t identify.
If neither the MRI nor X-ray reveals any breaks or injuries to the bone, your doctor will likely diagnose a sprain or strain.
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