Friday 26 April 2019

How To Make The Boring Water Interesting To Stay Hydrated This Summer?

The summer season is already hitting its peak this April and with the months of May and June approaching, it is only going to get hotter, especially in North India. The summer season requires you to take a little more care of yourself as the heat can harm your body externally and internally. Keeping your skin safe from the sun and staying hydrated are the key measures to beat the heat.
Hydration is extremely important as it aids weight loss, keeps all body functions running normally, and makes the skin and hair also healthier. Hydration is extremely important, especially during the summer to keep the body cool and to make up for the fluid loss due to sweat, which is excessive in the summers. The best way to stay hydrated is to drink water, but the fact that it is odourless and tasteless can make it really boring and you might want to treat your taste buds which you treat your body. Here are 5 ways you can make the water tasty to beat the heat, and treat your taste buds, at the same time.

The lemon mint virgin mojito

The most refreshing drink that you can try this summer season is the lemon and mint water-based drink. Just squeeze one lemon per glass of the drink that you want to make, crush some mint leaves and add it to the drink. Pour water and add sugar or sugar free drops for sweetener. This is an extremely healthy way to keep yourself hydrated, keep your weight and diabetes under control.

Fruit juices

If blood sugar or diabetes is not an issue, you can indulge in a glass of fresh juice or concentrated juice diluted with water to keep yourself hydrated. However, you should make sure you limit your intake as they are high in sugar and can lead to weight gain.

Detox water

Another way to make your water interesting is to add pieces of fruits in it to infuse the nutrients of the fruit into the water. Lemon, watermelon, mint leaves, and other summer fruits can be added to water and the water can help you detox and lose weight.


Green tea and other forms of tea are great for weight loss and detox and can also help you stay hydrated. If you are sitting in the office and looking for something warm to sip on, tea may be a good option for you. Tea contains antioxidants and has a lot of health benefits.

Eat your water

Sounds weird, but the best way to make sure you consume more water and stay hydrated is to eat your water in the form of water-based foods and fruits like bottle gourd, cucumbers, watermelon, sun melon, etc. These and other food items contain a high percentage of water and can be consumed to make sure your body stays hydrated during the summer heat

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