Friday 21 June 2019

The advantage of digital dentistry and its benefits

What is digital dentistry?
Digital dentistry refers to the introduction of new technology into the dental practice. Most medical fields have begun to digitise: digital medical records and online appointment setting are some of the most common examples, as they are often used directly by the patients themselves. Digital dentistry can refer to the practice of using technology in terms of dental practice websites and social media, but it also refers to the development of new tools and the replacement of outdated techniques to improve overall patient experience and outcomes.

Advantages –

1. More reliable results
This is a definite advantage guaranteed by the advanced mechanical effects regarding accuracy and reliability. With Digital, both laboratories and dentists can make more informed decisions about treatment and options, resulting in more and more success. Also, the likelihood of expensive and time-consuming remakes is lower with digital impressions.
2. More Quickly
It’s a decisive advantage if the turnaround between the lab and the dentists is significantly higher than before. This leads to a faster implementation of the procedure, less pain for the patient and a higher patient resumption for the dentist. Both for the patient and for the dentist results in enormous time savings. Efficient treatment can be administered.

3. Overall better patient experience
Having a tooth problem is not only painful, but it can also affect your everyday life. Also, taking medications to correct a particular problem results in a prolonged condition that may not be best for the patient. Even frequent trips with little things to the dentist can be time-consuming and costly. If you go the digital path, all these challenges will be eliminated, resulting in the patient having an excellent overall experience and being successful. The quality of the implant increases overall and leads to a permanent adaptation.

AMRI hospitals has acquired great reputation over the years of being experts at handling all kinds of dental complexities. They are equipped with a highly experienced team of dentists and dental surgeons who are well-supported by a trained team of staff and associates.

They offer extensive dental services across our different units which covers all aspects like Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, Orthodontics, Conservative dentistry & Endodontics, implant dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry, General Dentistry, etc.

The AMRI medical centre at Southern Avenue is a centre of excellence in advanced cosmetic and digital dentistry. This unit is renowned for being equipped with latest generation equipment and state-of-the-art infrastructure. This unit has provision for numerous specialty clinics like oral medicine, implant clinic, lock-jaw clinic, gum diseases, screening clinic, pregnancy & diabetic dental clinic. A few major facility highlights of the unit include:

  • 3D CT SCAN

This is a special CT scan for dentistry which allows a more informed diagnosis of dental problems by producing a three dimensional image that is more detailed & informative than a normal CT scan.


This is a highly developed minimally invasive painless & bloodless procedure used for cancer surgery. AMRI was the first to offer this facility in the private sector in Eastern India.


This particular dental treatment procedure addresses and corrects jaws that are poorly aligned and teeth that are worn out, missing, broken or misaligned. Full mouth rehabilitation ensures smiles that are beautiful, but at the same time healthy and functional.

  • ORTHODONTICS (Visible & Invisible)

Braces offer a permanent and natural tooth alignment while preserving the jaw tooth-gum relationship. Patients need not worry about ugly metal wires any longer because of the clear or tooth coloured options that are available today.


We have a specialized implant centre – where we put titanium lifelong implants which replaces the missing tooth, not hampering the adjacent tooth and mimics original tooth, with biting strength of 98% of the original tooth. It is a safe procedure done in a safe area which is completely fumigated and where complete sterilization is maintained.

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