Thursday 11 July 2019

Top 5 ways to prevent cardiac arrest

It is essential for you to keep your body going at all times. Exercising is the simplest way to ensure that. Exercise every day for just 15 to 20 minutes and that's good enough for your heart. Working out prevents plaque buildup in the arteries, thereby preventing cardiac arrest.
2. Eat right, eat healthy
Your diet is very crucial to your heart health. As per AMRI Hospitals, eating the wrong sort of food can land your heart in trouble. This includes the high cholesterol foods. Oily, sugary and high-carb foods are not good for your heart. They increase the bad cholesterol levels and clog the arteries, thereby preventing proper blood flow. Instead, stick to a diet high in fruits and veggies. These will make up for your nutritional requirements and will lower the risk of a cardiac arrest too.
3. Lose weight
If you are overweight or obese, it is important for you to lose weight. This is essential for your heart. Studies show that obesity is a risk factor for heart disease. So if your BMI is higher than normal, it is time for you to give up on unhealthy foods and stick to a healthier lifestyle which can help you lose weight. Try to cut down on your calorie intake and hit the gym regularly for achieving this goal.
4. Quit drinking and smoking
Smoking and drinking could increase your heart muscle and increase your blood pressure, which together contributes to a risk of suffering a cardiac arrest. In any form, tobacco should be avoided. Studies show that smokers are more likely to develop plaque in their arteries as compared to the non-smoking lot. So give up on these two extremely unhealthy habits, for the sake of your heart health.
5. Reduce emotional stress
Cut down on emotional stress, it is one of the major contributing factors responsible for a cardiac arrest. Try to avoid emotional stress as much as possible. Focus on things which make you happy and release your stress. 

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